Financial assistance for serving and retired Police officers

We have enjoyed a long-standing association with Police officers since 1990, providing financial planning assistance and advice to officers and staff throughout their service and ongoing in their retirement.

Many officers seek our advice on an individual basis. This often includes obtaining a mortgage, re-mortgaging, constructing a financial plan, helping with existing finances, planning for retirement or adapting to life after retirement.

Charles Royle and Company will provide help and advice on the following:

  • Your police pension scheme
  • Mortgage and debt queries
  • Cash flow and savings opportunities
  • Your existing finances
  • Planning for and transition into retirement

Bespoke retirement planning

This will benefit officers who are within two years of their anticipated retirement date and wish to have a structured plan in place when they retire from the force by way of an individual consultation during which we will discuss your police pension and personal finances.

Dates and Locations

Please contact us to arrange a visit to our office or a location near to you. Please check this web page regularly for updates.

We hope to be running our two day Pre-Retirement planning courses in association with Devon & Cornwall Police Federation at Middlemoor  in the near future. As soon as we know of these dates we shall update our web site and Social Media pages.

In the meantime we are pleased to announce bespoke Pre-Retirement meetings with either John or Paul to discuss your retirement plans and provide you with as much content as you would have received on our highly recommended course.

We will only more than happy to help and arrange a virtual meeting via Zoom or Teams with you and your family at a time convenient to you.

Please check this web page for updates and further planned dates.

Helping an officer plan for retirement

We met Mr R a few months prior to his retirement to have a structured discussion on his future plans.

Upon retirement we reviewed and advised on how to utilise his pensions and investments in a way to provide income flexibility and peace of mind securing the retirement he wanted.

Structuring a mortgage into retirement

Mr D was due to retire shortly and planned to use some of his lump sum to reduce his current mortgage. A fixed rate was unsuitable as he would not be able to make a lump sum payment as he wished and if left unchanged the mortgage payments would increase by £190 per month.

We re-mortgaged to a new lender offering a variable product without any early repayment charges. This enabled him to pay a lump sum off his mortgage when he retired saving him over £1,000 and securing a new fixed rate into retirement.

Can I just give you some feedback on the Pre-Retirement course with Charles Royle one word sums it up – BRILLIANT!
Really useful, no hard sell, but extremely informative.
Thank you for hosting the course and allowing officers to attend, please, please do keep these running for my future colleagues as it was very useful. Thank you!

Officer A